Chihuahua Stud - Worcester, Massachusetts

Massachusetts 01602

Vet Checked
Genes Cleared

Listing today the stud services of a extremely rare black Chihuahua named “Don’t Stop” LilDude Tombo. He’s an amazing male born 3/21/2020 in Wilmington N.C.....his physical features are as follows: primarily black,with an incredible face,natural erect ears,characteristics of both apple&deer head,currently 5.3lbs. .....extremely friendly to ones he knows,guarded towards others,never left home alone, very athletic. Tombo is 100% up to date on all shots and takes a worm pill every month and flea and tick every other. No human food is given. Tombo is exercised everyday running,swimming,mock soccer and playing tug. His breeder disclosed to me that Tombo was one of two in the liter his sister being a rare blue/grey Chihuahua. Tombo’s Vet has advised that once he turns 6 months on September 21st 2020 he can be a sire candidate as he will be mature. Stud fee is a straight $500.00 no pick of liter however I would require the names of puppies, of new owners to assure in the future Tombo’s lineage remains pure of possible mixing with his own offspring. Thank you for looking.