AKC Labrador retriever - Thomas Hudson, North Carolina

Is Thomas Hudson
Sandy beach laborators
Thomas Hudson
North Carolina 27409

American Kennel Club
Health Checked
Health Guarantee
Champion Line
Date of Birth:May 5 2015

Be Aware of Scams and report them using the "report scam button above! Typical signs of a scam:

1) Puppies or dogs are not located where they are listed.
2) You are asked to wire money or send a money order.
3) Anything to do with Africa especially Nigeria and Cameroon.
4) Anything that seems to be too good to be true!

I'm getting Out of the dog breeding business I'm selling my Stud It comes from a long line of champion Dogs in the show Ring He's a Proven stud
Great around people loves to ride and go on adventures Come get your best friend today........................................................ That picture is not recent but he looks like that except bigger He has got bulky and a lot more muscle since then