3 Adorable Pomchi's 2 Girls And 1 Boy - Oakhurst, California

California 93644

Date of Birth:Dec 28 2015

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1) Puppies or dogs are not located where they are listed.
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4) Anything that seems to be too good to be true!

Born Dec. 28, 2015 These Pomchi's are not quite ready to leave their mother. 2 girls and 1 Boy (black and white puppy is a male) Super curly tails, fluffy soft fur with Beautiful markings. Father was Pomeranian and Mother is a long haired deer face Chihuahua. (pictures of parents upon request) I've had Pomchi puppies before but These 3 are the cutest yet. I'm not a breeder so I can't give them their puppy shots so that should be the first thing you do. Pomchi's are a small breed and an indoor Dog but they love to play outside in a fenced yard. At night they will want to sleep with you and they cuddle really good. If you would like more pictures I can email them to you on request. The black puppy we call Banshee because she is so tough and vocal. The brown and white little girl is very dainty and we call her COCO Channel, the black and white boy we call Hollister. They use their front paws for everything as you can tell by the last picture of them.