Castle-Paschen pet Parlor - Bosssier City, Louisiana

Elise Casey & Tom Paschen
Castle-Paschen pet Parlor
Bosssier City
Louisiana 71111
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We provide quality pet grooming services with 22 years of experience. Pick-up and drop-off available.Services available in Arcadia and Bossier City,LA. Description Castle-Paschen Pet Parlor is owned and run by Master groomer of 22 years Elise Casey and Groomer Tom Paschen. We offer quality grooming services for all breeds at affordable prices. Your pet will be pampered by our expert groomers and will be returned to you a happy well groomed pet.Our services are available in Arcadia,and Bossier City, Louisiana.Pick-up and drop-off available. Our services include: Full Groom: Includes haircut, nail trim, anal glands, bath, blow dry, bows, nail polish, and perfume. Touch Up: Includes brushing, trimming feet, face, belly and rear areas, nail trim, anal glands, bath, blow dry, bows, nail polish, and perfume. Bath: Includes nail trim, anal glands ,bath, and blow dry. Call 318-364-9488 (318 DOG WITTY) today to schedule an appointment. ********************************************************************** We are now offering pet dying and stenciling!!

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