DogVentures Dog Behavior Solutions - Wanaque Reserve, New Jersey

Norine Twaddell
DogVentures Dog Behavior Solutions
Wanaque Reserve
New Jersey 07465
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Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT Is full time Dog Behavior Consultant. She is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant and Clinical Member of The Association of International Behavior Consultants. She is also certified by The Certification Council of Pet Dog Trainers. She is a professional member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers She has been training and socializing dogs since 1994. What Judy Lowe & Hope of Wayne, NJ say: "Norine ... You have an insight to dog's souls and they know it. In my own case, Hope, a shelter hound dog was afraid of everything new. You showed me how to be patient and understand how she saw things. Today I'm in SC and she is running the beach after sea gulls with a big smile on her face and one on mine as well. I plan to keep in touch attend ... when I get back." Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

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