All Creatures Pet Sitting - Phoenix, Arizona

All Creatures Pet Sitting
15619 N. 36th Street
Arizona 85032
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We are a full service pet sitting company. We offer daily visits, overnights, boarding, daily dog walking, live-ins, Insured/bonded, certified vet tech on staff 24/7,we have been in business since 1996 with over 30 years experience. We take care of all types of pets from hamsters to horses, excotics, birds' All Creatures Pet Sitting provides pet care valley wide to our valued clients. All services are provided for you in the comfort of your own home. Whether your pet is a hamster, horse or something in between, including exotics, your personal sitter will take care of all their needs. All of your sitters are bonded for your protection and you receive a free consultation with your sitter before the start of your service.

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