Sunset Training Center - SPRING GROVE, Illinois

Sunset Training Center
1010 Sunset Road
Illinois 60081
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We solve your dogs behavior problems so he can be the friend you always wanted. While we do obedience training also, this is more for problems not addressed by "sit", and for hard to train dogs. We do NOT use treats for training- treats teach tricks, not obedience, after all, you don't teach your 2 legged kids that way, do you? Love, patience, understanding , and praise go a lot further !We work with many different training methods based on what will work best for you and your dog. Some call it "dog whispering", we were around before it became a popular term - but it is a good name for our type of training. Training available in your home or our 10 acre facility. FREE initial consultation . Please call or text rather than email for quickest reply.

40 years experience, GUARANTEED RESULTS!
Members of the Better Business Bureau, Rated A+!

Contact: (847) 650-5432

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