German Shorthaired Pointer Studs in Illinois

If you are looking for a German Shorthaired Pointer in Illinois for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need be sure to check our breeder listings as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.


If you are in need of German Shorthaired Pointer stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding.

We provide a free ad service for dog breeders to advertise their German Shorthaired Pointer studs in Chicago, Joliet, Springfield, Peoria and anywhere else in Illinois.

Lily F - German Shorthaired Pointer Stud

Lily F - German Shorthaired Pointer Stud
Chicago, Illinois 60643

Dobby the GSP is an excellent dog. He is a black and white print with one single large spot on his left side. He is above the standard in height at about 27.5 inches tall (usually people think he is h...Read More

Sean Whaley - German Shorthaired Pointer Stud

Sean Whaley - German Shorthaired Pointer Stud
Algonquin, Illinois 60102 6010

Walter is the 7th German Short Haired Pointer that I have owned, so I know the breed pretty well! He is the best upland bird dog that I have ever had the pleasure of hunting with. Outstanding nose! Ve...Read More