Yellow Lab, Great Pyrenees mix puppies. 231 924 4213 - Fremont, Michigan

Michigan 49412

Date of Birth:Jun 26 2023

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1) Puppies or dogs are not located where they are listed.
2) You are asked to wire money or send a money order.
3) Anything to do with Africa especially Nigeria and Cameroon.
4) Anything that seems to be too good to be true!

Sweet, loving puppies looking for their forever homes. Mom is Yellow Lab. Dad is great Pyrenees, so these should be big dogs.

Puppies are located in Fremont, MI one hour north of Grand Rapids. They are loving and social.

sold Bo is our only boy. He is sweet, calm natured, very playful and loves children. Being "a boy" he loves boy-play. He can't wait to please you. He is learning to fetch the ball and has started on leash training.

sold Lulu has 4 white paws, white tip on top, and a white spot on her forehead. Lulu is very sweet and playful. She is eager to please you and loves children. She has started on leash training. She is everyone's favorite!

Lisa is a sweet, shy girl. She is so calm, although very playful and loves children. Lisa is learning to fetch the ball and has started on leash training.

sold Kelsey is the sweetest, smartest thing! She is a little timid, but loving. Kelsey has endless energy, although she is calm natured. She can't wait to play and loves children. Kelsey has started on leash training.

sold Sadie is so sensible, lovable, and so calm-natured. She is very playful and loves children. She has just started on leash.

sold Suzy is very sweet and friendly. She is always eager to play and is calm natured. She loves children and has just started on leash.

Puppies are on a regular deworming schedule. They will be vet checked on Sept 13th, however, they can be adopted now, as-is.

For more information, or to come see the puppies, call 231 924 4213.