Tiny Bear White Pomeranian Puppy Male - West Palm Beach, Florida

West Palm Beach
Florida 33409

Date of Birth:Feb 26 2024
Pricing:None Specified

Be Aware of Scams and report them using the "report scam button above! Typical signs of a scam:

1) Puppies or dogs are not located where they are listed.
2) You are asked to wire money or send a money order.
3) Anything to do with Africa especially Nigeria and Cameroon.
4) Anything that seems to be too good to be true!

White Fluffy Ball pomeranian puppy male. Tiny size. Bear type - short and wide muzzle, small ears, excellent body, shiny white thick coat. Healthy and friendly. All vaccinations of high quality 9 way vaccines, including canine coronavirus and bordetella. Purebred registration papers. Small white parents from ?hampion lines of Russia, Thai, Philippines, Georgia. Dad - import from Russia.
Call/text/WhatsApp: 561-231-1312
Instagram @florida_pomeranian
Pick Up.