Born 11/25/24 German Shepherd puppies - Nashville, North Carolina

Joe & Ellen Rogers
Tiny Acres Companions & K9s
North Carolina 27856

Date of Birth:Nov 25 2024

Be Aware of Scams and report them using the "report scam button above! Typical signs of a scam:

1) Puppies or dogs are not located where they are listed.
2) You are asked to wire money or send a money order.
3) Anything to do with Africa especially Nigeria and Cameroon.
4) Anything that seems to be too good to be true!

These sweet bundles of joy are ready for their forever homes. They have been raised indoors and are trained to use a doggie door. Their parents have amazing demeanors and they are proof of that. Each puppy with come with their records and puppy kit to get them started. They are up to date on vaccinations and have had the age appropriate deworming. Looking forward to hearing from you!