You will find Pembroke Welsh Corgi dogs and puppies for adoption in our Washington listings. However free Pembroke Welsh Corgis are a rarity as rescues usually charge a small adoption fee to cover their expenses ($100 to $200). Sometimes, you may find a Pembroke Welsh Corgi for free in Washington to a good home listed by an owner who may no longer be able to look after them because of personal circumstances. Our Ads are always free!
If you are interested in other breeds or need to look for Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies in other states please use the search option. This page covers puppies and dogs in Everett, Olympia, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver and the rest of Washington
These two AKC boys are growing fast and still waiting for their forever families! One is very independent (Elwood) and the other is very outgoing and will be the bigger boy (Jake). **Jake's ears a...Read More
Born June 9, will be ready to go Aug 6. 1st picks Female and Male are available for Deposit. Red/Whites and Red Sables. Puppies come with a written Guarantee of Good Health, letter of Well Puppy Vet E...Read More
2 Beautifully marked litters of 7 each. All will be red/whites or red sable /white. Our AKC pups are out of DNA health screened parents (full panel DNA that checks for EIC. MDR1, DM, vWD1, Muscular D...Read More
This guy is out of a litter of 7 are all red/whites or Red sable /white. All pups are marked by ribbons now and will have color coded collars as they grow into them. Search ‘Pearlinhaus Old Style Shep...Read More