K Leadership Services 9 - Medford, Oregon

Jp Parrett
K Leadership Services 9
Oregon 97501
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K9 leadership services: Specializing in Dog/Human/food aggressive behaviors; Fearful/Timid dogs; Leash walking; Boundary setting(i.e. jumping on people or furniture) General and/or specific behavioral issues. Our philosophy centers on teaching how to be seen as the leader of your beloved pet/pack, thus your pet/pack will respect you as such, rather than performing for you because you have a treat in your hand. We believe that there are usually no quick fixes and nothing can compensate for time and patience. Visit our website at www.kleadershipservices9.com Fees to be determined by the severity of issue(s) you are faced with. Will travel to your location for training session. Call or text 541-941-9834 or 541 646 6077 or email and include your phone number

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