German Shepherd Dog Stud - San Antonio, Texas

Jorge Duran
San Antonio
Texas 78254 7825

Bruno is 1.5 year old German Shepard. He is a long haired but sheds very little. He has beautiful brown eyes and a red/brownish and black coat. He also has a fluffy tail and broad shoulders giving him a very powerful stance. He is protective but has a very gentle temperament. He is very good with kids of any age. He is in current social training. He comes from a blood line of service animals (diabetic alert dog). When extended, he is close to 5 and half feet. He is close to 100 lbs. Send email if you are interested in him studding. He is the top pick of a litter of 6. His ears were up all the time as a pup and now they are up partially. Pictures of parents available and information about service records of parent.