You will find American Staffordshire Terrier dogs and puppies for adoption in our Connecticut listings. However free American Staffordshire Terriers are a rarity as rescues usually charge a small adoption fee to cover their expenses ($100 to $200). Sometimes, you may find a American Staffordshire Terrier for free in Connecticut to a good home listed by an owner who may no longer be able to look after them because of personal circumstances. Our Ads are always free!
If you are interested in other breeds or need to look for American Staffordshire Terrier puppies in other states please use the search option. This page covers puppies and dogs in Bridgeport, Stamford, New Haven, Hartford and the rest of Connecticut
Puppies are one month old now and will be ready to be homed by New Years. They will be fully vaccinated, working on documents now, mother is UKC certified, father is a Merle from Frontline Bully's...Read More