You will find Miniature Pinscher dogs and puppies for adoption in our California listings. However free Miniature Pinschers are a rarity as rescues usually charge a small adoption fee to cover their expenses ($100 to $200). Sometimes, you may find a Miniature Pinscher for free in California to a good home listed by an owner who may no longer be able to look after them because of personal circumstances. Our Ads are always free!
If you are interested in other breeds or need to look for Miniature Pinscher puppies in other states please use the search option. This page covers puppies and dogs in Fresno, Oakland, San Diego, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Sacremento, Pomona, San Jose, Orange County and the rest of California
5 min pin puppies for sale. 2 red males, 1 red female, 1 black male, 1 black female 8 weeks old I do not do money orders and also do not ship I require customers to make the trip to pick up the dog Pl...Read More