You will find Labrador Retriever dogs and puppies for adoption in our California listings. However free Labrador Retrievers are a rarity as rescues usually charge a small adoption fee to cover their expenses ($100 to $200). Sometimes, you may find a Labrador for free in California to a good home listed by an owner who may no longer be able to look after them because of personal circumstances. Our Ads are always free!
If you are interested in other breeds or need to look for Labrador Retriever puppies in other states please use the search option. This page covers puppies and dogs in Fresno, Oakland, San Diego, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Sacremento, Pomona, San Jose, Orange County and the rest of California
The Dam Ash is a charcoal female 3/4 English 1/4 American. The Sire Traveler is an English male. There are 4 pups in the litter. We have 1 yellow female and 1 yellow male available for $1000 each. Th...Read More
The Dam Wendy is a chocolate female 1/2 English and 1/2 American. The Sire Patriot is a long hair champagne English male. There are 7 pups in the litter. We have 1 silver female and 1 black female av...Read More
The Dam Zero is a champagne female 3/4 American 1/4 English. The Sire Patriot is a long hair champagne English male. There are 11 pups in the litter. We have 2 girls available for $500 each. The pups...Read More
The Dam Haze is a yellow female 1/2 American and 1/2 English. The Sire Patriot is a long hair champagne English male. There are 10 pups in the litter. We have 6 girls and 4 boys available for $1500 ea...Read More
The Dam Ebony is a 1/2 English and 1/2 American black female. The Sire Deets is a 3/4 English and 1/4 American black male. Deets panel testing shows clear for 20 genetic diseases carrier of STGD and 1...Read More
Cadbury is a sweet English boy that likes to gently hold your hand in his mouth while he walks with you. He is from my Serbian Import lines and has numerous confirmation champions in his pedigree. His...Read More
Warrior is a 1/2 English 1/2 American improvement bred silver male. His blood lines includes field and confirmation champions. He is out of my Serbian Import lines. He has had one litter. I have not p...Read More
Stone is an improvement bred charcoal female 1/2 American 1/2 English. She prefers women over men and gets along with all the farm animals. She is debarked. Pet Price $200. Stone will not be placed wi...Read More